Chiropractors and What They Do

Chiropractors are medical professionals specialising in treating neuromusculoskeletal pain through manual adjustment and manipulation of joints. Adjustments may help relieve chronic headaches or alleviate neck stiffness that has been present for an extended period.

Adelaide Chiropractor will ask questions about your health, conduct a physical exam and run tests to diagnose symptoms before performing spinal manipulation to enhance neuromusculoskeletal system performance.

Poor Posture

chiropractor AdelaidePoor posture can be more than just cosmetic; it can cause significant physical pain and other health complications. Chiropractic services can help correct bad posture to get you feeling great again!

At your initial visit, a chiropractor will ask questions about your daily activities, exercise regimen, work settings and any recent or ongoing pain or discomfort you've been experiencing to identify the source of the issue and how best they can resolve it.

Your physician will perform a comprehensive physical exam of your body, which may involve checking for uneven shoulders, an arching upper back and tilted pelvis issues in your lower back that affect your posture. Such imbalances place undue strain on nerves that run down your spinal column and could cause pain, tingling or numbness elsewhere in the body.

Your chiropractor Adelaide will utilise chiropractic techniques such as spinal manipulation, massage, exercises and stretches to enhance your posture. They may even teach techniques to practice at home to continue progressing after you visit their office. Poor posture can wreak havoc on joints, muscles and ligaments and speed wear and tear on you faster, but with professional help and consistent effort on both parts, this issue can be solved!

Leg Pain

Leg pain is a widespread complaint that may have various sources. This discomfort could stem from bones, tendons, blood vessels or nerves and usually manifests mildly to moderately for days to weeks or even months. Leg pain could result from shin splints, tight hamstrings, calf strain or varicose veins. Still, it could also indicate more severe health conditions like vascular or cardiovascular disease.

Doctors typically recommend resting the injured leg, elevating it above your head, icing the area, and taking over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen for pain management. When exercising, it is also essential to use techniques such as warming up, stretching, gradually increasing intensity, wearing comfortable shoes that fit correctly and avoiding running on hard surfaces.

Active Lifestyle

Whether athletic or not, active lifestyles are vital for overall wellness, and physical activity strengthens immunity against colds and flus. A visit to your chiropractor ensures your body continues to function optimally by improving spinal alignment, blood flow, and nerve conductivity between joints and muscles.

Many believe they must participate in a structured workout routine to be considered "active." But even if you spend most of your day on the move and regularly get out of your chair to move around, that counts as physical activity! Exercise has been proven to support spine and back health while improving sleep quality, mood elevation and decreasing stress levels.

When visiting a chiropractor Adelaide, they'll ask about your physical activities and health history to assess if chiropractic care suits you. A hands-on examination may include posture testing, arm/leg strength tests and even X-rays if necessary. Afterwards, you'll likely receive a personalised treatment plan, including spinal manipulations or exercises as part of their therapy, with specific instructions on how best to incorporate this into daily life to preserve spine and back health.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a widespread complaint for many individuals, often due to poor posture, such as sitting for extended periods in front of a computer screen or sleeping awkwardly. Other sources can also contribute to its development - sports injuries, car accidents, blows to the head or body and wear-and-tear can all play their parts.

The cervical spine, comprised of seven small vertebrae, is highly flexible. However, its flexibility leaves it extremely susceptible to injury and pain from various causes such as repetitive motion, sustained hunching, falls and blows to the head or body, bad posture stress or wear-and-tear due to age-related wear-and-tear.

Minor neck pain may be treated at home using over-the-counter pain relievers and ice packs. Still, for persistent or recurring discomfort, it should be addressed by visiting a chiropractor. A chiropractor can quickly identify its source and implement various treatment techniques that reduce discomfort while improving mobility.

Neck manipulations are precise procedures designed to improve movement while decreasing pain and stiffness in the neck region. Treatment options available from chiropractor Adelaide for this condition include traction (in which gentle pulls from a traction table are applied to your neck area), "drop" approaches using drop sections of traction tables, and mobilisation techniques whereby they manually move joints within your spine.

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